
Guys, Before you read the review, u must understand the raings I use. Here it goes:

1/5 - Unwatchable
2/5 - Watchable
3/5 - A very good work, worth watching
4/5 - That's SO awesome, MUST-WATCH
5/5 - This is the freaking EPITOME of AWESOMENESS

+0.5 - I couldn't decide between two ratings, so screw it, its somewhere in between :P

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes (4.5/5)

Dawn of the planet of the apes is a work worth watching in theatres (preferably in 2D). "Rise" by itself has impressed us by displaying a protagonist ape Caesar with so much emotions that even show in his face. "Dawn" takes it a step ahead by introducing new charecters and giving most charecters an equal rapport.

Is "Dawn" understandable without watching "Rise"? Other than the fact that you'll be perplexed seeing intelligent, english speaking apes, yes, it is fairly understandable. However, you will feel left out in some scenes regarding Caesar's past. The main story however, since it takes place 10 years after Caesar marked his territory, isn't connected to the first movie. The human cast is totally different from that of "Rise".

The story takes place after the virus is spread across the human race and only a handful are alive. The movie portrays lifestyle of the apes, the relationship between the apes and the humans when in need, and the beginning of an inevitable war.

Caesar is portrayed to be a very wise and just leader, and many scenes reminds us of "The Lion King" Mufasa. The lifestyle of the apes in the first half shows us what we are lacking as humans. Many scenes from the movie fills us with awe, while other scenes makes us feel like "awww..." ;-)

The sets used are very good and apt for the movie and the dark blue tone used gives the movie an intense "this is serious" feel. What amazes me the most is how realistically they have depicted each charecter. Even if the plot is impossible, the film does a good job of shaping it realistically and makes us accept talking apes exist. (To be fair, credits goes to both "Rise" and "Dawn")

The movie, on the whole, is based on how one species understands the other and draws us into movie without a single moment of boredom in spite of the slow pace. The only complaint is that the movie didn't use 3D AT ALL. Other than that, the movie is totally worthy and best viewed in theatres

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